How does JBS work during the project itself?

We start to learn your system. The way we gather information during the project itself can vary greatly depending on the scenario and can look like any of these:

  • Your team gives us an overview of the system we are documenting and discuss the various users and Use Cases. This could be any where from two hours to a few days, depending on the complexity of the system.
  • You give us access to a system and we “play with it” and become familiar with it.
  • You give us background material to read.

We write! Based on the detailed outline that was agreed during the pre-project phase we start writing content, drawing diagrams and taking notes as questions arise.
As we work we identify issues (like features not being available or changes required in the outline) and update you.
We submit partial drafts for review (we try to pace the work so we can keep progressing while your busy SMEs review the material) and you send us written feedback.
If necessary, we meet again (maybe by Skype this time) and discuss the feedback and raise any issues we have for completing the document.

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